Friday, August 13, 2010

The Sword Also Rises

Christofuer, a serious devotee of trim and glide, likes to surf our chilly waters without a leash, booties, or concern for his person. And although he is patently opposed to razor blades and eating animals, he is clearly enthused about the idea of quiver expansion.
This 7’11” Broadsword should fit nicely into steep beachbreaky stuff that is ill-suited for traditional logs.
While hashing out ideas for the new stick, we discovered we’d both spent four years feeding our minds (and bodies, thanks to a shared, unrestrained passion for the school's frozen yogurt dispensers) at the same tiny Mid-Atlantic college. It's comforting to know I wasn't the only freshman with a surfboard stuffed into a Central Pennsylvania dorm closet during the Clinton years.
Christofuer catches more waves in an hour than I do in a month. I seriously considered jimmying the bottom contours to slow him down and create more waveriding opportunities for the rest of us.
Tailblock of yellowheart, bloodwood, and balsa. Foiling tailblocks smells a lot better than foiling foam.


richwest101 said...

I have to agree with your preference to the smell of wood over foam. I have to religiously use a good mask; it was taking two weeks to clear the foam dust out of my lungs and sinuses! What fin set-up will you use?

HeadHighGlassy said...

This one gets a 2+1. Glide and hold.

Anonymous said...

Nice Jamie, how thick is the board?

HeadHighGlassy said...

That right there is 2 7/8" thick.